Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Top 5 get jazzy

Tonight with Jamie Foxx (ick) mentoring, the idols sing jazz standards from the Rat Pack. They look great...at least Kris, Danny, Matt and Allison look great. I am pretty indifferent to Adam.

Pauler is wearing one of those napkin dresses but hers has a great big napkin over each boob. Interesting. But she always looks pretty. CAR-uh has some little tank top on which looks displaced next to Pauler's frou frou dress.

Jamie Foxx as the mentor is just why-inducing for me.

Kris Allen is up first looking all cute as a button. He's singing "The Way You Look Tonight." I LOVE this song so much! Kris does a great job with it as I knew he would! It's not boring in the least. It's simple then picks up a bit and I love it. Randy says it was his best so far, which I wouldn't really agree with. The girl judges loved it and Simon didn't think it was incredible, just good. Loved the song and love Kris. 8 1/2 of 10

Allison is the 2nd to sing with "Someone To Watch Over Me." She looks really pretty tonight and just turned 17 yesterday. Love her dress. Parts of the performance I loved and parts I didn't love so much. She slows it down nicely for sure. However, sometimes, I just can't stand how she puts that H sound in front of her words like she is forcing the sound out.
"SomeHhone to Hhwatch Hhover me..." Great job, though, Allison! 9 of 10

Matt's in the middle singing "My Funny Valentine." Matt looks great in his suit and hat! Oh my gosh..LOVE! From the first note. LOVE. I absolutely loved it a lot. I don't care what the judges said. 8 1/2 of 10

Danny's 4th singing, "Come Rain or Come Shine." He looks great in his suit like Kris and Matt and he's wearing his glasses which I think he looks better with than without. OMG. AWESOME. LOVE. LOVE. 9 3/4 of 10

Adam is last singing "Feeling Good." Eh. The beginning was kind of OK. But I am just not a fan. 7 of 10

My number one tonight is Danny! Followed by Matt, Allison, Kris and Adam.

I wouldn't mind Adam leaving though I know he won't. So, I can't make a prediction as I love the other 4. Tomorrow will be sad. :(

This was a GREAT night. I am so glad the themes are working well this year!


posted by Angie @ 8:00 PM  
  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger DrillerAA said…

    I just think that Matt is the least popular of the guys with the voters and that will mean he's going home tonight.

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