Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Top 11 do it Opry style
Ryan wishes everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day and says maybe after a few pints this show would be really fun. lol

Michael "Ain't Goin Down Til the Sun Comes Up." Wow...quite the undertaking. That is a FAST song! He spends the entire song sounding out of breath. But, he's not doing a bad job. It just doesn't show his vocals, which he does have. 6 of 10 (He sassed back to Simon. He broke my number one rule! I would never vote for him.)

Allison "Blame It On Your Heart." A great performance! She is great on stage and her voice sounded less strained this week. She got a little out of breath a time or two, but otherwise, a good showing. 8 of 10

Kris To Make You Feel My Love VERY pretty. I loved it. For some reason, even though it was slow, it wasn't boring. 8 of 10

Lil "Independence Day." Big song! Not loving the verses, but she picks it up with the chorus. Definitely not as good as I thought she would do. 7 of 10 (Sass back. Stop it! Plus, Simon kept calling her Little instead of Lil. Dork!)

Loathbert Ew. 5 of 10

Scott "Wild Angels." I liked it better than last week. But I am still not a big fan of Scott. 7 of 10

Alexis "Jolene." I love her voice, but this version was not my favorite. Still, I give her 8 of 10

Danny "Jesus Take the Wheel." After the first part of the verse, Danny hit it! I loved the 2nd half. 8 of 10

Anoop "Always On My Mind." He finally showcased his voice. 8 of 10

Megan "Walking After Midnight." Oh, I liked that! I just love Megan's voice. And she looked really pretty. 7 1/2 of 10

Matt "So Small." Awesome! I love Matt and his piano playing self! 8 of 10

Well, I was a little scared going in to Opry night, but overall, I liked it!

My bottom 3 would be: Adam, Michael and I guess, Lil. I think Michael will go home.
posted by Angie @ 7:59 PM  
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