Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Short and sweet and to the point
Tonight's theme is songs from their birth years. This is usually one of the themes I actually like. Imagine that. Anyway, short and sweet tonight.

Danny-- "Stand By Me" YAY! I loved it! He looks great in purple! Sounded great! Woo hoo! NOT cocky at all. 9 of 10

Kris-- "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" He changed it up..it was upbeat and fun! Loved it! 8 1/2 of 10

Lil-- "What's Love Got to Do With It" Not a fan. 6 of 10

Anoop-- "True Colors" Someone at the shoutbox said, "exceedingly meh." I agree. 6 of 10

Scott-- "The Search Is Over" Oh, poor Scott. Not good. 5 of 10

Allison-- "I Can't Make You Love Me" I didn't NOT like it. I just found it hard to love. What? I don't know. 7 of 10

Matt-- "Part Time Lover" AWESOME! 9 of 10

Adam-- "Mad World" It was ok. I'm just not a fan. I can't really explain it. At least he didn't screech. 7 1/2 of 10

My Top 3: Danny, Matt, Kris
My bottom 3: Scott, Lil and Anoop

Scott or Kris will go home.

The end.

Someday, I will actually start blogging again. Oh, how about this? My dog got a whack job at the groomer today. It's totally a WTH kind of thing.

Ok, until next time.
posted by Angie @ 8:05 PM  
  • At 10:15 PM, Blogger Crystie said…

    Birth years? When were they born, yesterday?
    oh and uh gross? about your dog?

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