Saturday, November 01, 2008
If it's November first, it must be a Halloween post!
Oh! Hey! Yesterday was my blog birthday. Happy blogging birthday to me! I've officially been blogging for 4 years. Go me!

Anyway, I think that last night may have been one of only 2 times we've ever trick or treated without Bubba. That makes me sad. But, we did have fun! Brianna and Jeremy dressed up as Sweeny Todd and Mrs. Lovett and walked around with the little kids and me. Jameson was an 'army guy' and Braelyn was Super Girl. Unfortunately, no fun and unique, homemade-by-Bubba costumes this year.

Since I was off work yesterday, I was able to get the kids from school and then have plenty of time to get them all ready before trick or treating started at 5pm. (WAY too early! When I was little, we did NOT start that early!)

We started by visiting my parents then walked around their neighborhood. Went to another neighborhood where we go every year where we began our trek by seeing a dead kitten on the side of the road. Nice. Before the night ended we headed to Brianna's boyfriend's neighborhood. And then my ankles gave out and they had all had to drag me back to the van. Or something like that.

We ended the night at Taco Bell then went home so the kids could sort out their candy and go to bed with an extreme sugar high. No middle of the night puking, either! Bonus!

I only got a few photos on Brianna's digital camera since SOMEBODY took my camera to Florida with him. *cough*bubba*cough* Otherwise, I took several photos on my film camera which I will get developed sometime in July of 2010.

His legs were tired so he was taking a rest. In. The. Street.


posted by Angie @ 9:36 PM  
  • At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    catching up on reading finally...wanted to wish you a happy 4 year blog birthday (a little late)

    4 years for me too ...wait, have i known you THAT long???

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