Tuesday, September 23, 2008
They should rename it "DUH! Magazine"

Also, who cares? And? That is one cute baby!

P.S. And when I say who cares, I mean, who cares whether he, or any other celeb is gay or straight?? Jeez... If I were a Clay fan, which I am not, I'd still be a fan no matter. Like, if Matthew McConaughey were gay, I'd still find him SMOKING hot! See how that works? Who cares??
posted by Angie @ 6:42 PM  
  • At 7:03 PM, Blogger Tracy said…

    LOL!! That's funny!!

    Cute kid though. Where'd he get it?

  • At 2:27 PM, Blogger Thumper said…

    I think that's been his point all along...it shouldn't matter and people shouldn't ask. But they *hounded* him, and now that he has the kid, he's coming out, ostensibly because he doesn't want his son to grow up surrounded by a giant lie of omission.

    But yeah...it shouldn't matter and in an ideal world, people would have left it alone.

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger Jose said…

    Gay or not, he sings awesome and continues to be one of my favorite idols. As much as I liked Ruben to me Clay was always the winner. I thought he had come out of the closet like a year ago.

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