Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Hey, do you guys remember back when I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to yawn, or eat or brush my teeth or do other things that required a WIDE opened mouth?? Heck, couldn't even give Bubba a half-way decent kiss! If you don't remember, or if you are new here click HERE and HERE and HERE-complete with illustration!. That should give you an idea of my complete and utter frustration.

Well, I am happy to report that it only took a full 3 MONTHS but I can now open my mouth ALL. THE. WAY. I can eat a dang Subway sub if I want. I can brush every surface of every tooth in my mouth. I can eat a sucker. I can yawn. I can..I can..well, you get the idea. It took an additional 2 or 3 weeks AFTER I could open it all the way that all the pain in my jaw went away as well. Needless to say, I am one happy camper.

I would add a photo here, but really, who needs to see my gaping mouth in a blog post?


posted by Angie @ 12:45 PM  
  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said…

    You've got a great new template, Angie!

  • At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, thank goodness you can open your mouth now. Does that go along with posting here regularly??

    Glad everyone seems to be liking your new look.

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