Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Ok, so I got my big Tennessee vacation travel guide (FREE!) in the mail a few days ago. Now, who is going to help fund a vacation for me and Bubba for our anniversary in September? Huh? Anyone? Do I need to set a up a donation button?

PS The donation button? Joke. (kinda)

PPS Tennessee IS a vacation to me! I LOVE Tennessee

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posted by Angie @ 12:27 PM  
  • At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Chattanooga Aquarium is AWESOME! If you go there, stay at one of the old hotels in downtown Chattanooga like the Sheraton Read. Very romantic. If you visit Knoxville, I know someone who'd like to join you for lunch.

  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said…

    Tennessee sounds a super place to go.

  • At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I met my wife for the first time (in person) in Nashville. Of course, that trip I didn't see to much of the surroundings....

    I know the drive between memphis and the KY border very well now...

    beautiful country!

  • At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey anywhere that isn't home and work is a vacation. i'm going to Stacey's house for 6 days. That's vacation

  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger Crystie said…

    Ok, you have to email me, WHERE exactly in TN?? Cause you know, I am like 30 minutes from the state line right? Ok then. I will be sitting right by my inbox. Waiting. And a vacation is anywhere but home to me too, even if I go to TN. 30 mins away, just to spend the night. which we have done.

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