First day of kindergarten. That's my Tater Tot. Wasn't she just sucking a pacifier yesterday?? She can't possibly be 5 years old! She can't be ready for school! I am not ready for her to be ready. She was excited though. I'm pretty sure she was oblivious to us leaving. One thing, though. She is an AMAZON girl compared to all the other kids in her class. I mean, she JUST turned 5 seventeen days ago and she TOWERS over the other kids. She's HUGE! It was kind of funny to see, actually. The doctor did tell us that she is very tall for her age.
See?? She WAS just sucking a pacifier!!
I did manage to make it outside the school building before bursting into tears so that was a plus. Bubba, Baby J and I went to breakfast right after. While waiting for our food, Bubba asked Baby J what he was going to do without sissy today..stuff like that. He wouldn't say a word..but his little eyes were all welled up with tears. Broke my heart, I tell ya. (cue round two of tears for mommy.) He was truly sad because his sister wouldn't be home with him every day all day. They've been together every day since he came home from the hospital so this is a big adjustment for him.
If anyone needs me before 2:30..I'll be cowering under the covers in my bed, crying.
Baby J wouldn't get out of the way.
Around this time was when the heart ripping began. |
You have an adorable tater tot :)
Congratulations to the big girl on her first day of school!