Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Naked lip
I totally forgot all about this!

Last week, Bubba was shaving and trimming his goatee and had a major OOPS. He shaved right into the side of his goatee and so he had to fix it. He had to shave it all down to a 1 on the clippers.

No big deal, you say? Ah, but you have no idea. I have not seen this man's upper lip in like..19 years!!

Needless to say, it was a total freak-out when he came to show me. Seriously, he did NOT look like the same person. AT ALL. I could barely look. It was kind of like when they came out with green ketchup, my brain COULD. NOT. COMPUTE.

And for the first time in my life, maybe second, I missed that Kodak moment. Now, it's growing back quickly and the effect would be lost. So, use your imagination.

Just don't ask him to kiss you. That stuff HURTS!


posted by Angie @ 10:22 PM  
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