Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Zoo, baby!
We're going to the Indy Zoo on Sunday. I am so excited I can't even stand myself! I know, we don't get out much. Ever. (Going to the State Fair for Band Day on the hottest day in frickin' history does NOT count.)

I really don't have much else to say about it...I just wanted to tell y'all how exciting it is to be doing something fun, OUT OF TOWN, with the entire family!!

I'll try to get some good animal s*ex pictures to share with you all. hee


posted by Angie @ 9:09 PM  
  • At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, YOU brought up animal s*x... not ME!! But since you did...

    I went to the zoo with my Mother-In-Law, Sister-In-Law, and 2 nieces. At the orangutan cage, a female was, um, manually making the male happy. Apparently her poor wrist got tired, so she quit. And the male FINISHED IT OFF HIMSELF!! OMG, you never heard 3 women cackle so much in your life!!! The kids were like, what? what's so funny?

    Remember, YOU brought it up!! hehe

  • At 12:33 AM, Blogger DrillerAA said…

    I promise never to bring that subject up on my blog.

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