Sunday, March 11, 2007
Spring has be springing
What is it about the upcoming spring season that makes me want stuff?

I want new curtains, some new picture frames, new shoes for the entire family, new clothes for the entire family, new spring jackets for the entire family, new books, new bedding for all three kids, new scrap stuff even though I never scrap....the list goes on.


posted by Angie @ 11:39 PM  
  • At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    learn digi-scrapping,, I will send you all the stuff I created you won't have to spend any money for it. Well, that depends actually do you have photoshop elements of paint shop pro, digital image pro? Think about it,, let me know.

  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger Blueyes said…

    Ya I'm looking at new curtains, painting the kitchen, 1 of the bathrooms and the living room. Maybe taking out the carpet in the living room and putting down slate. Yep, list goes on and on.

  • At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    All I want is a few days off work!

  • At 4:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I went on a shopping spree.. My husband is going to have a cow! Hopefully it all comes in when he is at work.. horrible eh? oh well.. I also decided to paint my kitchen and throw out old clothes and well its spring.. gotta get it done before the rain hits..

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