Thursday, September 27, 2007
I TOLD you I don't need a cell phone!
Last night, the kids went to bed and a few minutes later, Jameson came in the room saying he couldn't sleep. I sent him back to bed and again, a few minutes later, he was back, sniffling, saying he "heard a sound" and it scared him. I asked him if he told Daddy and he had, so we went to talk to Daddy again.

Bubba said he heard the noise, too. It was more of a beep, like one of the kids' toys malfunctioning or something. So, he went to their room and started looking. I went to use the bathroom and that's when I heard it, too. It was a pretty loud beep, not like the smoke detectors when they are low on batteries.

Then it dawned on me. It was my cell phone. The one at the bottom of my purse. The one I hadn't looked at for days and days. The one I hadn't charged in days and days. It was about to go dead.

I TOLD you I don't need a cell phone, didn't I?
posted by Angie @ 9:22 PM  
  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said…

    I know I never need one!

  • At 3:49 PM, Blogger NH Yocal said…

    Ahh... I couldn't live without my cell phone. It is terrible, attached to me like an appendage. How do you do it?

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