Thursday, June 07, 2007
8 pounds, bitches!
Ok, I really don't talk like that, but I just wanted to convey the fact that I have lost 8 pounds!!! (in almost 2 weeks) It has taken exercising every single day and of course eating right. I guess I DO have a metabolism. I just had to jump start it.

The good thing is, I haven't really been craving sweets. That is HUGE for me! A girl at work brought me a teeny piece of cake today. I had two bites and threw the last bite and all the icing away. Any other time I would have gone looking for more.

Baby steps.

Ok, I'm off to exercise.
posted by Angie @ 7:34 PM  
  • At 10:23 PM, Blogger DrillerAA said…

    Stay with it girl. I'm on your team!!!

  • At 5:16 AM, Blogger Mitey Mite said…

    WOW!!!!!!! Congratulations.

    You GO, girl!

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger WendiMichelle said…

    good for you. :-)

  • At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah! Just so you know,, Weight watchers has little cakes that are one point each,, they aren't as yummy as a homemade chocolate cake with icing but they're good to keep the cravings away. I know we aren't counting points but it helps to know how little points something is so I can gauge if it's good for me or not.

    Today is our 60 minute walk,, up for it?! I am going in a little while just doing some more blog work.

    I have to get your picture up,, keep forgetting.

  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger Thumper said…


  • At 8:34 AM, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said…

    A good accomplishment. Well done!

  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger Blueyes said…

    Congratulations :) I'm down 13.1 so far in 6 weeks. I have found sugar free jello snack packs are great but I'm not really craving chocolate either but if I need it there they are and almost guilt free as they have 60 calories.

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