Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's not working
The fight with the FAT continues. I've been sort of watching what I eat lately because of that man I married who has lost more than 30 pounds and makes me sick. But, this week, I have 'gotten serious' for the 90 trillionth time in my life. I have started exercising, even.

It's killing me!

Yesterday, I was doing the Biggest Loser exercise DVD. Sweat! Burn! OUCH! My kids came in the room and were doing some of the moves with me. I can only imagine what I looked like to them at that time..all sweaty and red-faced and breathing like a woman in hard labor.

Jameson watched the tv, then looked at me. TV. Me. TV. Me. Finally, he said, "Mommy. I don't think it's workin'."

"Why not, buddy?" (only this was said, you know, in a breathy, jerky kind of I'm- dying-here, kind of way.)

"Cause your belly isn't going away."

Me = loss for words.

Braelyn saved me by saying, "Bubby! It's takes a LONG time!"

Gastric bypass, anyone?


posted by Angie @ 1:19 PM  
  • At 8:22 PM, Blogger Marcia said…

    You can do it! Gastric bypass is seriously surgery. You'll be healthier - and more likely to stay skinny - if you keep up the awesome exrercising!

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