Thursday, December 29, 2005
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about ANGIE

1. I'm off work today and tomorrow. Yay! I have to work Saturday, 7-3. Boo! But, I'm off Sunday and Monday. Yay!

2. So glad to get Christmas over with. When one is unorganized, as I am, it is just not really a fun holiday.

3. I already posted a list of New Year's Resolutions but I have thought of a few more. I might post those later.

4. I've straightened the house and started laundry today. Huge accomplishment. the laundry is so far behind. It's at that stage now, where the night before a work day or a school day, I am scrambling to throw in a load of just enough stuff for everyone to get by on the next day. Even then, I am usually digging for two matching socks for each kid and a pair of underwear that actually covers Tater's bottom without looking like a thong!

5. I am currently watching "Witness" starring Harrison Ford as I type this. I can also hear hubby snoring. He went back to bed a few minutes ago since Baby J woke us up very early today emptying and refilling his TIN of dominoes over and over and over right outside our bedroom door!

6. Speaking of sleep...Guard Girl got a new Queen sized bed for Christmas. An upgrade from a single day bed. Now, in our "back room" AKA the laundry room, Bubba has his own little area where he gets ready for work. He has a desk and all his clothes back there and he also had a loveseat back there. Our recliner bit the dust this week. It wasn't the greatest quality and just got beat down since Bubba had his surgery. There for a while he spent pretty much 24/7 (I HATE that phrase) in it. So, the loveseat came back into the living room and the recliner went to landfill heaven. make this long story even more boring, the daybed made it's way to Bubba's area where the loveseat was. Yeah, he slept in it night before last. The best sleep he has had in months. We've become that old married couple who have separate beds. Nah, it's just because, we too, need a new bed. Ours causes him lots of pain at his surgery site.

7. NOT speaking of beds...I still need to read today's newspaper. It's sitting here in actual paper and ink format.

8. After this weekend, I am back to being really, really good! The past two weeks have been I didn't weigh in on Monday. I want to be thinner! I have to get focused. I need to talk to Shane. He is trying to get back to his pre law school look and he tries to keep me motivated in my struggle.

9. There really isn't any way that one person's feet and legs can be as dry as mine are right this minute. Lotion is my friend. I should use that friend very very very often.

10. I am feeling guilty right now for not being at work. I just talked to my friend and co-worker, S, and she said one person called in today, so that leaves her and one other person today. Not a good thing since all the doctor's offices are back in full swing by now after the Christmas holiday. But, you know what? I don't feel guilty enough to actually go in to work! :) I've worked in those conditions before and probably will again. They can handle it..even if it does suck.

11. I've got a couple of posts in my head right now for later. I hope I don't forget them. The likelihood that I will? About 99%. Perhaps I should write the ideas down. But that would mean reaching up and getting a pen and paper off the shelf above the computer. Right now? I don't feel like it.

12. Day before yesterday at work, I had a flat tire. I got there ok, but when a coworker returned from lunch she told me that rear passenger tire was completely flat! Seems I had a piece of metal in the side. The fun never ends around here.

13. Don't forget to click on my renter AND read his guest post below this one!! I was pretty impressed with old Chuck and his views on women and being a feminist. Go read it. Now! Before you forget. When you are done, click his thumbnail on the side bar.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Leanne
2. MommaK
3. Uisce
4. lilybleu
5. Ivy
6. The Median Sib
7. Chickadee
(if you decide to do the TT,leave your link in comments, I will add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It is easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

posted by Angie @ 10:49 AM  
  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger Uisce said…

    Wow, you've hit the nail on the head. I'll bet one of the reasons I don't care so much for Christmas is my own lack of organization! Wow, you've saved me from years of therapy!! :)

    Here's my list:

  • At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My Thursday Thirteen:

  • At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You shouldnt feel bad for not being at work. Enjoy the time off!

    Here is my 13..

  • At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Thursday 13! I'm glad you decided to do this!

    I'm having problems with dry legs and feet too. I bought the Johnson & Johnson baby oil in gel form and it is wonderful. It retains moisture so much longer than lotion and it's not as greasy as regular old baby oil.

    My 13 are up!

  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Leanne said…

    Hi Angie, thanks for joining in!! I am using this lotion... umm.. crud I have to find it. Here it is!

    St. Ives FresH2O

    Good stuff.

    I hope you enjoy your day off, have a great weekend and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger Tracy S said…

    Wow and all this time I thought that is how you were suppose to do laundry I guess I better get on the ball then .Searching for matching socks is a usual morning happening here ...We wash a load right when we need it I hate laundry ..I can scrub toilets all day and floors and everything but I do laundry usually only when it is needed ..I have a bad habit of washing everything around the house except clothes..Like curtians and blankets and sheets and by the time I am done with that I am over the laundry So you are not alone girlie ..Have a great 2006 !!!!:)

  • At 6:42 PM, Blogger Joan said…

    Happy 2006! I just put my first 13 up. I linked to you in my post.

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Kimberly said…

    I finally got a ahead of my laundry yesterday - the last day of the year!! I wonder how long that will last :)

    Happy New Year Angie. I am so glad I met you :) xo

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