Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year's Eve and no one to kiss
Oh how dismal the blogging has been around here in December. I am ashamed. But, I am back in the saddle again. At least for tonight.

As I type this, it is nearly 10pm on New Year's Eve and Bubba just went to bed because he is sick. Braelyn is dozing on the couch still sick from an all night pukefest last night. Jameson just went to Bubba's 'man cave' to take over that TV and Brianna is at her boyfriend's house. And here I am, now watching Ryan Seacrest on New Year's Rockin' Eve and blogging. Par-tay.

December has been a good month. I had quite a few days off work and got the bulk of my Christmas shopping done quickly and easily. Bubba had been buying toys and things since summer so we didn't have much else to buy.

Christmas Eve was quite relaxed as Brianna had been wrapping gifts for me for a while and so I didn't have to stay up until 3am wrapping presents and cursing myself for buying so much! We made cookies and iced and sprinkled them when Brianna got home from her boyfriend's house.

Then, of course, was the opening of the new jammies. This is always popular and was better this year once Jameson resigned himself to the fact that, NO, we do not open more than one present on Christmas Eve and that one present is always chosen by Mommy. He'll learn.

New Jammies

And because you can't see Brianna's jammies in that photo...

After jammies, we watched some A Christmas Story marathon on TBS and the kiddies all went to bed in Brianna's room. (tradition) I wrapped a few final things and then Bubba and I tackled the Santa cookies and the reindeer carrots.

Speaking of reindeer carrots, we always try to think of new ways to leave evidence of Santa's visit. So, I had this awesome inspired thought... Reindeer puke! I know, EW, but it was the funniest thing! Bubba chewed up the carrots and spit them out and made a little pile of puke on the front step. The reaction the next morning was PRICELESS! The kids thought it was the funniest thing EVER. Santa left a thank you note and mentioned that Blitzen had a belly ache and maybe their daddy could clean it up.

I give you...
Blitzen Barf!

Please excuse the sorry state of our front steps. Thanks.

Jameson got the castle he wanted and promptly "fainted."

Braelyn got the Barbie house she wanted. Brianna got money to buy a new camera (because she couldn't decide BEFORE Christmas which one she wanted).

As for me, I got Snuggies blankets. You know, the blanket with sleeves! They are awesome! I got a Wall.E to sit on my desk at work and Die Hard 1 & 2 on DVD. I'm weird, I know. I got a few other mom type gifts which I loved. But, as all you parents know, I'm just happy when my kids are happy.

We visited my parents for more gifts then came home and had a yummy turkey dinner. It was a great day!

So, that kind of catches me up to New Year's Eve. One of my resolutions is to blog more, so stay tuned!

Happy New Year!
posted by Angie @ 9:53 PM  
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