Sunday, May 18, 2008

Have you gotten YOUR stimulus check yet? Are you going to spend it? Whatcha gonna do with it?

Originally, we were going to use ours as a down-payment for a car, but, we won't be able to swing a new car payment and a higher insurance rate at this time. I am royally bummed, too, because I really, really, really, really wanted a new Honda CR-V. Like REALLY wanted one. I could smell the new car scent already. Alas, I have to be realistic. So instead of getting one of these...

...we'll be getting one of these...

That's right boys and girls, a new bed! Bubba and I DO need a new bed, but really, I COULD sleep in a CR-V if I HAD to. Just sayin'.
posted by Angie @ 6:07 PM  
  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger Amy, aka ABB said…

    Heh, but some things are more comfortable doing in a bed than in a car.... Just sayin'!

  • At 11:29 AM, Blogger DrillerAA said…

    Nothin' beats a good nights sleep...well not at my age anyway. Just sayin'

  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger Joyce said…

    The 10 ways a mattress is just like a Honda CRV:

    You put gas in both.. just different kinds.

    You may have to buy insurance for it, depending on how risky your activities are. (wink, wink)

    You can pass it down to your little ones when they're older.

    You may have to oil it. (another wink)

    You might be sore after riding it for a long time.

    It's easy to flick boogers out of it.

    Your cell phone may distract you from what you SHOULD be doing.

    You can eat in it.

    Hopefully, it will "get you there".

    Truckers can look in your windows and see EVERYTHING.

  • At 10:54 AM, Blogger BeckEye said…

    Got my check and watched it go bye-bye. I have too many freaking bills.

  • At 8:54 PM, Blogger Willow said…

    It should have gone to play catch up on bills, but seeing as how I was without a vehicle for the last two months, I had to use it for one of those. Not a new one, mind you - but a "new to me" one.

  • At 10:49 AM, Blogger Jose said…

    Haven't gotten ours yet, but more than likely it will be abducted by my wife. So basically I already said bye bye to it.

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