Thursday, January 03, 2008
Paper is from the DEV-EEL
Is it possible for a person to die from multiple paper cuts? I mean, SERIOUSLY!

I'm working the mailroom today at work and I'm sure those walking by have heard my loud, 'OUCHes!' and mumbled pretend curse words and that loud sucking in of the breath between my teeth.

There goes my career as a hand model.
posted by Angie @ 9:23 AM  
  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Joyce said…

    2 words... rubber gloves.

  • At 7:51 PM, Blogger NH Yocal said…

    Paper cuts can definitely be lethal. Be sure to use enormous amounts of antibacterial ointment and take 2 tylenol. Then call Dr. Ulrich in the morning : )

  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Angie said…

    Joyce, I couldn't work with rubber gloves on. That would be weird. I only do the dishes with rubber gloves on. hee hee

    melinda, lol, you crack me up! But, yeah, I've heard the stories of terrible staph infections from a little bitty paper cut. Ah! I don't want that!

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