Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Please send cards
Sometimes, blogging seems so impersonal, ya know? I've "met" people through blogging that I consider true friends, but sometimes email and the computer screen just gets...well..old.

So, anyway, I was just thinking that I'd like to send a few Christmas cards to some of my favorite online people. But, I hate asking for real addresses because...weird. Some people are funny like that. Me, I'm NOT funny that way. I'll just pass out my real address willy nilly so, you know, if you want to stalk me, just ask.

Now, I KNOW you want a Christmas card from me! I might even stick a weird photo or two inside. Bonus! Let me know in comments or send me an email. (angiedbATgmailDOTcom)

Um, please, at least ONE person be interested or else I will wallow in despair because no one likes me.

Merry Christmas!!!


posted by Angie @ 1:10 PM  
  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger Joyce said…

    You got at least one! I'll hit your email.

  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger Michael said…

    In your email.

  • At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll email ya.

    Did I see you "say" you were in Muncie? I'm actually there every other weekend and will be driving up from Indy tomorrow night. :-)

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