Remember how the TV show 'Friends' always titled their episodes that way? "The One That Was..." I don't know what made me think of that just now. Funny thing is that WAAAAAY back in the beginning of this blog, I thought it would be so very clever to title all my posts like that. If you look in my archives, that lasted for a very short time and then I gave it up. So very typical of the way I do things.
Generally, I am a quitter. A giver-upper, if you will. Now titling my blog posts in the way of 'Friends' isn't much to speak of in the way of quitting, but it really is my personality. I start many things and eventually give up. Obviously, I HAVE continued blogging, so that is a plus. I AM still going to Weight Watchers. That is a huge plus in my favor. Right around now is typically when I give up and quit because "I can't do this." So, Nablopomo is a big deal to me for this very reason. It is one little bitty thing I actually CAN do and say I completed. Whether good posts or bad posts, by golly, I did it!
So, today I am saying, yay me!
PS I do have one more post for today, but it will have to wait until after work. So, really, this isn't "The One That Was The Last."Labels: nablopomo07, the last one |
Well done ion making it to the end!