Tuesday, November 29, 2005 |
My work here is done |
We were in line at the drive thru at McD's a couple of days ago and I was asking the kids what they wanted. Tater said plain hamburger and fries. I asked Baby J and he kept saying, "hamburger and chicken nuggets." Bubba and I kept saying, "no, you have to pick one." This went back and forth, back and forth for a while until Tater said, "I'm just going to get new parents because you won't let him have both!"
Apparently, I have been dismissed. Anyone want two kids for cheap??
posted by Angie @ 11:15 PM   |
hmm, I would have to check with Steve but oonsidering the two we already have here chances are slim.
What cuties! Kids can just drive you nuts while being the most adorable things in the world.
My friend Kenneth is about to adopt... I gotta hook you guys up...
LOL! I'v egot 4 little half angels, half the time they are wonderfull, the other half they are little devils!
But hey, we wouldn't be without them, my son walked properly for the first time yesterday , now he's walking everywhere, with his hands in the air, just in case he has to be caught by mom or dad as he falls :)
This is the easy stuff! Wait till they're 11 or so -- you will get stupid and everything you do will embarrass them. I think nature figured out that adorable children create good memories, which makes us put up with them through the teen years... And yours are certainly adorable!
I too rock the Santa Hat during christmas maybe we are starting a new fad.
kids really do say the darndest things...Gotta love em ..lol :)
adorable pictures as usual!!
Just how cheap are we talking here? I'll have my people get ahold of your people on this. ;-)
oh my gosh, angie, I'll take them any time. They are sooo cute. Every picture is just so adorable. I like your profile picture on BE too!!
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hmm, I would have to check with Steve but oonsidering the two we already have here chances are slim.