Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Icicles are hanging off my nose.
My cold temperature tolerance has reached it's peak and now I'm done. I can't take it any more. It's a dang good thing they start putting in the new furnace tomorrow! I'm kinda thinking about taking the day off so I can properly thank the furnace man. If you know what I mean.

My current attire: black long sleeved t-shirt, navy blue sweatshirt, green sweatshirt on top and green pj pants with black sweats over that on the bottom. Am currently looking to add a pair of socks over the ones I'm wearing as well as searching the house for a scarf and gloves.

I know this, I will never ever ever take heated air for granted ever ever again. Ever. As long as I live. Ever.

P.S. That nasty blue team on The Biggest Loser makes me sick. Nasty bunch of people. Nasty. Mean and nasty.

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posted by Angie @ 8:03 PM  
  • At 11:16 PM, Blogger Joyce said…

    I am watching Biggest Loser as I read your post. Vicky is the worst of them all. She's so mean. And another thing... I'm tired of the in-your-face obvious commercials. "Yum, this Extra Sugar-free gum is soooo delicious." "Yes, and did you know it comes in a bazillion flavors?" "I know. It really satisfies my urge to cheat." or "Let's have a 60-calorie sugar-free Jello brand Hot Fudge and Banana pudding. If we add a little bit of Reddi-Whip on top, it only adds 20 calories. It's sooo delicious, and I'd rather eat this JELLO pudding than a REAL banana split!!" Yeah right...

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said…

    Get warm soon!

  • At 9:22 PM, Blogger Salena said…

    I'm LOL at Joyce.... those embedded commercials are annoying.

    I absolutely LOATHE the blue team, except for Amy. I feel really sorry for her because they are SO going to annihilate this week. It will be tragic

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