Monday, February 05, 2007
Once Bitten
Ok, so I still haven't gotten any still photos of the Brianna and the guard show. BUT, I did manage to tape it on her digital. It's poor quality, I know. But just in case you want to see what I talk about every winter, this will give you an idea. IF you watch the whole thing and look closely, you will see the hootchie boots I talked about the other day. AND? As an added bonus, you will hear me singing along to the song and woo-hooing. If you need a laugh, this is for you. If embedded vids don't work for you, then click HERE.

So, here it is..."Once Bitten."

I wish I could point out where Brianna is in the video..but you'll just have to use your imagination. They ended up getting third place. They don't even really care how they place since they all love the show so much and are having so much fun.
posted by Angie @ 8:56 PM  
  • At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    aww, I feel like I was there,, love that song by the way.

    WTG Brianna!

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger Jose said…

    Wow, I watched the whole thing, pretty good stuff. You gotta be proud.

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