Sunday, February 03, 2008
How about those Manning boys??

I admit, I couldn't tell you one thing about the Giants besides Eli Manning is the quarterback.

I admit that I ignored most of the Super Bowl game and watched most of the commercials. (stained shirt for Tide, anyone? So funny.)

I admit that I don't like Tom Brady. I have no real reason besides I just don't like him.

I admit to not caring about the celebrities who were in attendance at the game. (Pamela Anderson? Why?)

I pretty much went into this rooting for the Giants because of Eli. He's Peyton's brother so that is reason enough for me.

After the Giants made their last touchdown, I really started paying attention to the game. I was cheering and clapping and getting nervous. In the end, the Giants pulled it off! Yippee!

Those Mannings and their good sports genes.
posted by Angie @ 10:05 PM  
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