Thursday, January 31, 2008
I am all about the child anecdotes
My two youngest kids are always trying to beat the other in telling someone about...well, anything. They are always clamoring to be the first to recount a story or tell about a new purchase.

Yesterday, Bubba bought a new toilet seat. (Fun times in our house, huh?) I got home from work and went to the bathroom. I was sitting on the potty and Jameson comes flying in the bathroom and says, "Mommy, did you see that thing?" "What thing, buddy?" "That thing you're sitting on?" Mr. Obvious, himself.

When we got home later after picking Braelyn up from school, she had to use the bathroom. Because nobody, save for Brianna, knows anything about privacy, the door was open. Jameson hears here in there and he hurdles everything in his way to get to her.

"Bay-win!" (yeah, the speech still leaves a little to be desired) "Did you see that thing?"

"What thing, Bubby?"

"See? Daddy buyed a topper."

Envy us, for we own a brand new toilet topper.
posted by Angie @ 11:04 AM  
  • At 11:34 AM, Blogger Joyce said…

    Could go with my farting floor. lol

    (explanation on my blog)

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger Dixie said…

    SO, you are one of them high falutin' toilet topper owners. Hmm. Who'd a thunk it.

    Kids are cute like that!

  • At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love that Jameson! You know we a need a picture of the toilet topper now. It could be the first photo with the new camera,,, uhh yeah,, maybe not.

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