Saturday, July 28, 2007
My last post mentioned my lack of gumption and pledging for blogathon. Oh the guilt. The guilt of no gumption. Gumptionless Guilt Syndrome. So, I found the gumption and went and pledged.

One of my favorite bloggers, Cathy from Domestic Psychology, is blogging HERE for the duration of the blogathon (along with a few other bloggers). She has live webcams and no air conditioning. Should be fun!

So, back to the gumption. I did pledge in support of Cathy's cause which is STAR (Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy of Riding) so now the GGS will subside. Not only that, but it's a good cause! It's a wonderful program that has benefited Cathy's own son, Tommy.

I also went and pledged in support of your friend and mine, Monty from The Daily Bitch. She's blogathon-ing for United Cerebral Palsy which is near and dear to her heart because of her beautiful son.

I now resume my domestic endeavors so I can come back and blog some more...and read some more blogathon posts. Do you think the reason why my allergies are going crazy would be a direct result of cleaning the house and disturbing all the dust? Nah. Neither do I.

PS I think I found out how many times one person can actually use the word gumption in a blog post.
posted by Angie @ 1:48 PM  
  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Shannon akaMonty said…

    hahaha!! I think there should be a "Gumption" award for that. :D

    Thanks so much for the pledge & the pimpage!!

  • At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you so much for sponsoring us! You're full of gumption.

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