Tuesday, April 08, 2008
You bring meaning to my life..you're the Inspiration...
Tonight, the Idols sing songs that inspire them.

Michael is first singing "Dream On" by Aerosmith. Oh, I loved this. Loved it. The boy OOZES sexy and I love every oozing drop! (ew, that was kind of a gross picture I just painted.) I can do without the funky scarves around his neck, but, you know, I would delight in removing them every week. Uh huh. Yeah, um, anyway, I've listened to this performance about 10 times now. LOVE it. You should really check out some of the stuff on youtube of Michael PRE-Idol. Awesome stuff! I would ALMOST leave Dave Matthews for Michael Johns. Almost. 8 1/2 of 10

Syesha sings "I Believe" by Fantasia. You know, I just can't get into Syesha. She was a tad loud and a bit shreiky (as my friend Doc would say. That's about it. Oh, and I hated her hair tonight. 6 1/2 of 10

Jason sings "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." The IZ version. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Those dreamy eyes. That lovely voice. He will sing some gorgeous babies to sleep with that voice someday. Love his attitude. Love his singing. Love Jason. 8 1/2 of 10

Kristy sings "Anyway" by Martina McBride. Blech. I don't like her. The verses were off. I didn't care for it. I'm not a fan. You can't make me like her. 6 1/2 of 10

David Cook sings "Innocent" by Our Lady Peace. NOT a good song choice. Didn't like it. Didn't really see it as pompous. I just saw it as bad. 6 of 10

Carly sings "The Show Must Go On" Not good. She was all over the place. Not a strong performance. It seemed like she was straining to hit the notes. She looked great, though. 6 of 10

Archie sings "Angels" by Robbie Williams. Oh, I like this song. I love when he plays the piano. I just like Archie a lot. I kinda want him to marry Brianna someday. (sorry, Jeremy) Boy can sing. This was a great performance! The people who hate him because he's a sweet kid?? Give me a break! Stop being so freakin' cynical! 9 of 10

Brooke sings "You've Got a Friend." I love Brooke. She's sincere and sensitive and picked a song I love. As usual, she's in my top. 8 1/2 of 10

Well, I thought it was a good night. I liked half of them and didn't like the other half.

My Top 4: Michael, Jason, David A and Brooke

My bottom 4: Syesha, Kristy (she's my Sanjaya. Go home, already!), David C and Carly.

See ya'll tomorrow for Idol Gives Back and then Thursday for elims.


PS Hey, Randy. American Idol IS about dreams coming true. Dude, where have you been for the past 7 years? I say we vote YOU off this week!

PPS Randy..."pitchy" is not a word. Stop using it.

PPS All screen caps courtesy of my boy, SLIM.
posted by Angie @ 8:01 PM  
  • At 12:13 AM, Blogger BeckEye said…

    So, how much of a dork am I...I've had Michael's old band Film's song "Q" as my MySpace song for the past 3 weeks.

    I thought he was good tonight too, I just wish he hadn't done the Steven Tyler shriek thing. I sometimes wonder if he's confident enough in his own voice. People who say he's arrogant are idiots. Did you notice when Paula told him that he sounded as good as he looked? He sort of put his hand up to cover his face, like he was embarrassed. Arrgh, he's so adorable I just want to eat him up. I wish the damn camera men would stop showing his wife. She kills my mood!

  • At 1:27 AM, Blogger Dr. Electro said…

    Love your commentary as usual. Listen, I'm not cynical. I have always found horny teenagers who try to hard to act too innocent a little annoying. Okay, my only real complaint about Archuleta is that he needs to do some more growing and maturing. With some real work under his belt and some proper rehearsing he will be ready to steal the stars and make the thunder roll. I just don't see him as ready quite yet.

    That said, the boy does possess a very good voice. He just isn't fully formed and seasoned.

  • At 1:29 AM, Blogger Dr. Electro said…

    I'm sorry. I completely forgot to agree wholeheartedly with you about Brooke. She is a very likeable young lady with class and talent. I hope she stays out of the bottom three from now on. I know I'm not sparing the votes for her!

  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger DrillerAA said…

    I dunno. The whole ukulele thing didn't work for me. I got visions of The Wiggles, or some kind of comedy sketch. He's a great kid and will be a fine recording artist someday. This one just was not my cup of tea. Sorry.
    Brooke almost let her emotions get in the way of the song. She can't allow that to happen this deep into the competition. She runs the risk of blowing up on the lyrics and that will not be pretty.
    I really think Kristy made a move to claim a spot in the top five or final four. She definitely out performed Syesha and Carly last night. I think she may wind up fighting Jason for the fifth spot. I see the two Davids, Michael and Brooke as the final four right now.

  • At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOVED Jason this week.. LOVED LOVED LOVED it! Didn't get to watch it live,, had to catch it on youtube.

    did I mention that I LOVED IT!

  • At 10:13 PM, Blogger BeckEye said…

    God, I wanna vomit.

  • At 11:57 PM, Blogger Dr. Electro said…

    Angie, so sorry your Mikey got the boot. He didn't deserve it.

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