Sunday, May 15, 2005
The Part I Hate!
Ok, so the final Survivor is on. It's time for the jury to speak. I HATE this part. A bunch of jaded, jealous jurors just mad because they didn't make it as far as the last two. I hate hearing them whine and bitch and complain about "how the game was played." What drives me even more crazy is that these people apparently have not ever, EVER in the last 5 years watched an episode of Survivor! It is NOT about friendship and integrity and peace and is a freakin game! You are all playing a GAME for $1,000,000!!! There will be back stabbing. There will be lying. There will be two faced people pretending to be your friend. GET OVER IT!! Admit to yourselves, Survivor contestants, that you want one million dollars and shut the heck up!

Does anyone else think that IAN is a flippin idiot?? Why stand on that stupid buoy for 12 hours and then give up? IDIOT! Katie played both your asses! (Tom and Ian.) Ian just wanted to preserve the friendships. Can you hear my eyes rolling?? Can you?? I know, I know why do I watch this stuff?? I love it, that's why. :) I am pathetic.

9:44pm Katie just turned on the water works. Figures.

9:46pm Janu is the first to mention "integrity." Puke. are stupid..and you asked a stupid question of Katie.

9:58pm Time for final statements from the final two.

10:00pm Final votes are going down.

Now it is back to the US so we can see everybody dolled up and fattened up to hear the final vote. My question is, why they gotta pretend like Jeff never changed clothes since the final tribal council?!?!

And the winner is....Tom! I am sooo glad Katie didn't win!

Who are all those people filing in?? Oh..yeah..those others who were on the show that no one remembers because its been WEEKS since they were on. Especially those first two people who went. :)

Ok, enough Survivor.
posted by Angie @ 9:39 PM  
  • At 10:29 AM, Blogger True Jersey Girl said…

    I am so sorry I didn't watch Survivor this year because EVERYONE is blogging about it!

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Kimberly said…

    I love how everyone looks all fat on the reunion show. I like them better on the island:-)

    You'r review was right on, Ang. I want to be on show sooo bad! What about you??

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger carmilevy said…

    Yup, he was definitely a moron. It's never about friendship on that show. To try to pull such virtuous character traits like integrity and friendship into the game so late in the process is just plain stupid.

    He'll regret it for a long time to come.

    I sure hope his wife is understanding - he looked like he was getting pretty close to Katie at various points. Yich.

  • At 4:31 PM, Blogger poopie said…

    I must be the only gal in the world who doesn't watch reality shows..gah.

    P.S. You kids are PRECIOUS!

  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I thought everyone was being WAY too hard on Ian. He didn't do anything Tom or Katie didn't do; he was just bad at it. The fact that he didn't stand up for himself while everyone was cutting him down just made me feel sorry for him...and angry. At least Coby kinda stood up for him at final tribal council.

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