Sunday, March 16, 2008
A place, where nobody dares to go...
I've been feeling very creative lately, though I know it doesn't show around here. I feel like if I could just get started on SOMETHING, anything, then I could end up with something good. I just don't know what that something is. I like to write. Fiction, I mean. Maybe I should find a creative writing class to take. Perhaps I should get my scrapbooking stuff out and complete some pages. Maybe I should take my camera out to someplace different and look for some good shots.

I just don't know. There's a muse out there for me. I just have to catch her. But I think she's on skates. (In Xanadu-u-u...Xanadu your neon lights will shine, for you, Xanadu..) I can't skate.
posted by Angie @ 10:59 PM  
  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Jose said…

    Hey Angie, I'll appreciate it if you throw some of that creativity my way. I think my muse is partying with yours.

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Name: Angie
Home: Indiana, United States
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